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Auxosleep 2024 - Clinical update sleep


The field of sleep medicine is still given limited attention within academic curricula; however, its significance is progressively growing in the realms of prevention, accurate diagnosis, and treatment appropriateness. Consequently, educational opportunities such as the AUXOSleep 2024 - Clinical Update Sleep hold paramount importance in facilitating the exchange of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches which play a crucial role in ensuring comprehensive patient care.

Furthermore, the present course can represent a unique opportunity to contribute significantly to the enhancement of professional competencies and the optimization
of healthcare expenditures. Sleep, being a fundamental physiological necessity, plays a pivotal role in preserving the health of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and overall well-being of individuals.

The primary objective of this course is to provide healthcare professionals with an in-depth understanding and comprehensive knowledge of such complex interactions. Moreover, it aims to offer a multidisciplinary update through insights from national and international experts on prevalent sleep pathologies, available therapies, and potential complications arising from inadequate treatment in individual patients.

The conference will be held in English.

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February 9th, 2024
Palazzo dei Giureconsulti
Piazza dei Mercanti, 2 - 20123 Milan MI


To be done before or at the same time as the start of the Italian CME course (failure to register to course before the beginning of the course will compromise the possibility of completing the questionnaires)

In case of user already registered to FAD (Distance Learning) courses: you will be able to use the same credential.

  • Find the course through the search function, entering Italian CME code 604 - 403749
  • Enter the following access key to register to the course: 006824
  • It will be possible to complete the CME questionnaire and satisfaction questionnaire within 3 days after the end of the course (the test will be considered passed with at least 75% correct answers)

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CME (Continuing Medical Education) - CME CODE 604 - 403749

Summeet Srl (Standard Provider No. 604) has included the event "AUXOSLEEP 2024 CLINICAL UPDATESLEEP" in the CME 2024 training program by awarding No. 5 training credits. The training event is intended for No. 100 Surgeons (Disciplines: Diseases of the Respiratory System, Neurology,Neurophysiopathology, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Cardiology, General Medicine, Endocrinology, Otolaryngology), Psychologists, Neurophysiopathology Technicians, Nurses, Respiratory Physiotherapists, Dentistry.

The issuance of credit certification is subject to: the correspondence between the participant's profession and the profession for which the event is intended, participation to the entire duration of the course, the preparation of the concluding report and fulfillment of the satisfaction questionnaire.

Training Objective: 1 - Application in daily practice of the principles and procedures of evidence-based practice (EBM - EBN - EBP)


Via P. Maspero, 5 - 21100 Varese
Tel. 0332 231416 - Fax 0332 317748 -
Provider ECM n° 604